FAQ about Divorce

Frequently Asked Questions about Divorce in Florida If you are considering or are going through the process of getting divorced, it can be a tumultuous and emotional time in your life. Dealing with an unfamiliar legal process can add to an already stressful situation; understanding more about what you can expect may help ease some … Continue reading

The Basics of a Jacksonville Divorce

Depending on the couple, a divorce can be easy or rough. Divorce is the permanent end to a marriage. It allows the couple to go their separate ways and be free to start their lives again and date other people. Types of Divorces in Jacksonville Although there is only one way to divorce a spouse, … Continue reading

Mandatory Parenting Classes for Florida Divorces

Mandatory Parenting Classes for Florida Divorces If you are considering filing for divorce in Florida, you may have heard about the four-hour mandatory parenting classes that are required of divorcing couples with children before a court will allow a divorce to be finalized. Some see this as an intrusion and an inconvenience, but it is … Continue reading

How Are Prenuptial Agreements Enforced by Courts of Law?

Prior to marriage, couples might want to have a prenuptial agreement in place to handle the various financial details that can arise in a divorce. Merely understanding what prenuptial agreements are, however, is not enough. Couples who are about to be married must also understand the importance of the agreement and how it can be … Continue reading

What is a Prenuptial Agreement

Prenuptial Agreement When couples decide to marry, it is easy to become overwhelmed with romantic feelings and forget the important details about the terms of marriage. Marriage planning, however, should also fully encompass details regarding how property will be shared between a couple. It is a wise idea to take all potential and emotional elements … Continue reading

Developing a Parenting Plan

Florida law states that in matters related to child custody, a Parenting Plan must be created to and approved by the court to meet the needs of the individual child. A Parenting Plan is a document that governs the custodial agreement between the parents. In basic terms, a Parenting Plan sets forth how the parties … Continue reading

What is a prenuptial agreement?

Prenuptial agreements, also known as prenups, are becoming more common for parties interested in protecting their assets before marriage. A prenup was once thought to only be an option for the exceptionally wealthy, but now many people utilize them regardless of financial situation. In fact, anyone with assets and/or debts may agree to a prenuptial … Continue reading