Forefront Law, P.A
You’ve worked your whole life to establish your estate, why not take the time to protect it? A proper estate plan will protect your loved ones from having to deal with the troubles and costs involved with probate court. In addition to saving time and money a properly established plan will provide clear and concise directions when you have passed.
An estate plan should also protect you while living. By including Durable Powers of Attorney, your directives will be understood should you become incapacitated. Our Firm conducts a detailed needs analysis with every potential client and tailors planning documents to suit their needs. The documents that comprise the core of any comprehensive estate plan are:
• Certificates of Trust
• Will and/or Trust Documentation (depending on the results of the detailed needs analysis)
• Advanced Directives
• HIPAA Directives
• Pour Over Will(s)
• Personal Property Distribution
• Asset Titling
Additionally, as part of your comprehensive estate plan, we offer the following services:
• Consultation in the convenience of your home
• Complimentary meeting with a financial professional to assist in the re-titling of your assets
• Financial planning assistance referrals
• Complimentary Trust Reviews
• Lifetime Changes for a nominal fee
• Review of your lifetime liability and personal risks
• Settlement assistance to your heirs at a discounted rate
• Discount on your personal and business tax returns
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