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Florida Probate Process: Key Steps and Pitfalls To Avoid For A Smooth Estate Administration

If you’ve lost a loved one in Florida and are in charge of settling their estate, it’s important to understand If you’ve lost a loved one in Florida and are in charge of settling their estate, it’s important to understand the probate process. Not only does that help protect the deceased person’s assets, but it also reduces stress during an already difficult time. Here’s what to know about the process and some pitfalls to watch out for.

Filing the Probate Petition

To start The probate process, you’ll need to first file the Petition for Administration. That will include the petition itself, along with supporting documents such as the will of the deceased person. To file this, you’ll take it to the circuit court for the decedent’s county. If you’re missing any documents or something’s not correct, you’ll have to make changes. Otherwise, if everything is correct, you’ll be issued a Letter of Administration following the proper notice requirements.

That letters of administration will include the name of the estate’s personal representative. This is very important because it gives the representative the legal authority they need to make decisions, such as distributing assets through an estate account. Any heirs or named beneficiaries will be notified at that time. This first step in the probate process is arguably the most important one, so it’s vital that you take the time to handle it correctly.

Notifying Creditors

Even if the deceased person left specific instructions as to how they wanted everything distributed, creditors have to be paid. However, each creditor will have to file a claim with the estate to be paid, and many creditors simply don’t bother. It often depends on the amount of money they’re owed as to whether they’ll make a claim.

The personal representative must notify all the creditors so they’re aware of the probate proceedings. This is typically done through postal mail, and a notice is also published in the newspaper. Florida law has strict requirements for how to handle this part of the process and when it has to be done. Making sure you provide proper notice according to legal guidelines is a very important part of handling probate duties. 

Take Inventory of the Estate

The next step is an asset inventory for the decedent’s estate. Sometimes, this is a very easy thing to do, and other times it can be difficult, time-consuming, and challenging to locate all the assets a deceased person had accumulated. The value of liquid assets such as a bank account is easy to determine, for example, but other items, such as artwork or classic cars, will need to be valued by an expert. Then, the inventory will be filed with the probate court.

Pay All Valid Claims

There is a statutory deadline for creditors to submit claims on the estate. Once that deadline has passed, the personal representative can pay out any valid claims. If a claim is received after the deadline passes, you won’t be obligated to pay it as a personal representative. Claims typically have to be paid in cash, and estate assets may need to be liquidated to raise additional funds for that to take place. After claims are complete, any estate tax will be paid if applicable. 

File Accounting With the Court

This is the last major step of the probate process in Florida, where you as the personal representative, will file an accounting that addresses the value of all the assets, the claims that were paid, and any costs or expenses incurred by the estate. You’ll need to show records that back up your information, so it’s vital to keep receipts and other documents as you move through the process. If the estate records aren’t accurate, the court may not approve the accounting information.

Distribute Assets and Close the Estate

After getting approval on the accounting, you can distribute any assets that are left based on the decedent’s will. This includes cash, vehicles, homes, and personal items, along with anything else the deceased person wanted given to specific individuals or organizations. Lastly, you’ll file a petition for the court to discharge your obligations. Once that’s completed, the estate is considered closed to further claims, and you’ve fulfilled all your duties as personal representative.

Challenges to Consider and Pitfalls to Avoid

While most estates are handled relatively easily, there can be challenges and pitfalls. The two largest ones are bad recordkeeping and beneficiary disputes. Both of these can cause significant problems for a personal representative who’s simply trying to fulfill their obligations and get the estate handled efficiently so it can be closed out. To reduce the chances of a problem, make sure you always follow proper procedures.

When it comes to recordkeeping, having receipts and other documents from everything you do with the estate is highly valuable. If you pay a creditor, for example, make sure you keep proof of exactly how much was paid, when, and for what purpose. Additionally, keep copies and detailed records of the mail you sent to creditors, notifying them of the probate process and the date by which they must make a claim, along with anything published in the newspaper.

Even if you’re not sure if you’ll need a particular document, keep it. You can always dispose of it later after the estate and the probate process have been fully completed. Until then, you want to be sure you’re protecting yourself fully so you don’t put the rest of the estate or yourself at any kind of risk. But records aren’t the only concerns. You can do everything right and still have disputes and additional claims from beneficiaries or those who feel they should be beneficiaries. While you can’t control who tries to file a claim or who insists that they’re owed something from the estate, your records and the proper filings with the court will go a long way toward the proof you need. 

Handle the Probate Process With Confidence

The more knowledge you have of the Florida probate process, the easier it will be for you to fulfill your duties as personal representative of the estate for a deceased loved one. Knowing what to file with the court and what to look out for as pitfalls allows you to move through the process more easily and watch for challenges you may need to solve in real-time. Then you can feel more confident about probating an estate, even during a time of grief. We hope this article has helped you with the Florida Probate Process: Key Steps and Pitfalls. Please visit our website for ot her great resources. https://forefrontlawfl.com/